Trish Katris – Celebrating 40 years at Steel-Line Garage Doors

As a part of Steel-Line Garage Doors’ 40 years anniversary celebration, we are sharing stories about our staff members and their contributions to the company.

Let’s get to know one of our team members…

Name: Trish Katris

Title: Office Manager


Tell me a bit about your background and what made you join Steel-Line?

I was unhappy at my last job and wanted a change, plus my sister was the part owner so it was a done deal.

How long have you been with Steel-Line? Any stories from back then you’d like to share with the team?

I have been here for 31.5 years.  I have worked with some really nice people and made some lovely friends.  Apart from seeing a lot of changes I have enjoyed working here.  My first boss was my sister, my second boss was my husband and now my third boss is my daughter.  What else can I say?

What is the best thing that happened to you whilst working here?

Making some great friends even after they have left. Also watching the company grow from 3 branches to over 20 branches.

What motivates you to be successful in your role? 

Satisfaction with my work.

What would be your advice to anyone starting with the company?

You get out what you put in.

What motivates you day-to-day?

Too young to retire, haha…

What do you do for fun / what are you passionate about?

I love reading and going out with my girls and grandchildren.

If we looked at your Google search history on your personal pc, what would we see?

Recipes, how long does a dog stay pregnant for and lots of other trivia.  Love Facebook.

What is something no one at work would know about you?

Everyone knows everything because I love to talk.

The best advice anyone has given you?

My dad used to say you reap what you sow.

Last book you read?

Up to the 6th book and 4 to go  ALEX KAVA  Murder mysteries.

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